Pathology Diagrams

A useful aspect of Chinese Medicine is that it is to some degree possible to predict how illnesses can evolve with time. The following diagrams illustrate how a ‘pattern’ may change into another related pattern. There are of course other ways patterns can develop so this is by no means not an exhaustive representation.

The data behind the diagrams have been put together based on information in the book The Foundations of Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia.

‘Aetiology’ is due to:
  • Climatic factors (External) – Wind, Cold, Fire and Heat, Damp, Summer-Heat, Dryness
  • 7 emotions – joy (HE), anger (Liv), sadness/grief (LU) , pensiveness (SP), fear and fright (KID).
  • Lifestyle (neither internal nor external) – including trauma and injury, drugs

Spleen Patterns

Spleen Qi Not Controlling Blood Bleeding
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Fine
Tonify Sp qi
Stop bleeding
Spleen Qi Sinking Bearing Down Sensation
Pulse: Weak
Tonify Sp qi
Raise qi
Spleen Yang Xu Tiredness
Loose Stools
Feeling Cold
Tonify Sp Yang
Spleen Qi Xu Tiredness
Loose Stools
Poor Appetite
Tonify Sp qi
Damp-Heat Invading Spleen Abdominal Fullness
Feeling Heaviness
Tongue: Sticky Yellow Coating
Resolve Dampness
Clear Heat
Cold-Dampness Invading Spleen Abdominal Fullness
Feeling Heaviness
Tongue: Sticky White Coating
Resolve Dampness
Expel Cold


Heart Patterns

Heart Qi Xu Palpitations
Aetiology: Chronic illness, profuse perspiration, emotional problems
Pulse: Empty
Tonify Ht Qi
Heart Yang Xu Palpitations
Cold Hands
Aetiology: As above + Kid Yang xu
Pulse: Deep-Weak
Tonify Ht Yang xu
Heart Yang Collapse Cold Limbs
Cyanosis of Lips
Aetiology: As above, but severe
Pulse: Hidden-Minute-Knotted
Rescue Yang
Restore consciousness
Stop sweating
Heart Blood Xu Palpitations
Poor Memory
Aetiology: Diet, blood loss
Tongue: Pale
Nourish Blood
Tonify Ht
Calm the Mind
Heart Yin Xu Palpitations
Mental Restlessness
Night Sweating
Aetiology: anxiety, Shen disturbance, Heat invasion
Tongue: Without Coating
Nourish Ht Yin
Calm the Mind
Clear Empty Heat if present
Heart Fire Blazing Palpitations
Tongue Ulcers
Aetiology: extreme emotions, LQS→Heat
(Bitter taste, red face, dark urine) Tongue: Red
P: rapid
Clear the Ht
Drain Fire
Calm the Mind
Heart Blood Stasis Stabbing Pain in Chest
Cyanosis of Lips
Aetiology: …
Tongue: Purple
P: irregular
Move Blood
Eliminate stasis
Tonify Ht Yang
Calm the Mind
Phlegm Misting the Mind
(Phlegm Misting The Heart?)
Mental Confusion (due to phlegm obstruction)
Rattling Sound in Throat
Aetiology: mentally handicapped, Phlegm from greasy cold foods, severe emotional problems + anxiety
Tongue: Swollen with Thick Sticky Coating
(After Wind-Stroke)
Open Ht
Resolve Phlegm
Phlegm Fire Harassing The Heart Mental Restlessness
Mental Confusion (due to phlegm obstruction)
Mental Depression & Dullness
Aetiology: severe emotional problems, Phlegm from greasy hot foods
Tongue: Red with Yellow, Dry, Sticky Coating
(Bipolar: Fire that burns off Yin → Yin xu. Then back to Fire, etc)
Clear Ht
Drain Fire
Resolve Phlegm
Calm the Mind


Kidney/Bladder Patterns

Kidney Essence Xu Poor Bone Development
Weakness of Knees
Falling Hair
Weakness of Sexual Activity
Tonify Kid
Nourish Essence
Kidney Yin Xu – Empty Heat Blazing Malar Flush
Heat in the Afternoon
Tongue: Red – no coating – peeled
Nourish Kid Yin
Clear Empty Heat
Calm Mind
Kidney Yin Xu Night Sweating
Lower Backache
Nourish Kid Yin
Kidney Yang Xu – Water Overflowing

Kidney Yang Xu – Water Overflowing to Heart
Kidney Yang Xu – Water Overflowing to Lung
Oedema – ankles
Tongue: Pale, Swollen
Pulse: Deep – Weak
(Watery Frothy Sputum)
Tonify Kid
Transform Water
Warm Sp(Ht|Lu) Yang
Kidneys Failing to Receive Qi Shortness of Breath on Exertion
Clear Urination
Kidney Qi Not Firm Backache
Dribbling After Urination
Chronic White Vaginal Discharge
Tonify Kid
Stimulate Kid receiving Qi
Stimulate descending of Lung qi
Kidney Yang Xu Backache
Abundant Clear Urination
Pale Tongue
Deep Pulse
Tonify Kid
Strengthen MingMen fire
Function: BL removes water by Qi transformation.
Damp Heat in Bladder Frequent, burning urination
Difficulty weeing – stops midflow
Dark yellow/turbid
Blood in urine
Thirst, but no desire to drink
T: sticky, yellow + red spots. P: Slippery-rapid
Resolve Dampness
Clear Heat
Open Water passage of LJ
Damp Cold in Bladder Frequent urination
Difficulty weeing – stops midflow
Pale turbid urine
Heavy hypogastrium
T: white sticky @ root P: slippery + slow
Resolve Dampness
Expel Cold
Open Water passage of LJ
Bladder xu and Cold Frequent pale abundant urination
Lower back ache, dizziness
White discharge
Feeling cold
T: Pale, wet P: Deep, weak
Tonify +warm BL
Tonify + warm Kid


Liver Patterns

Liver Yang Rising – Causing Wind Tremor
Dry Throat
Blurred Vision
Poor Memory
Numbness / tingling limbs
Pulse: Wiry-Fine
Subdue Liv Yang
Nourish Yin or Blood
Liver Blood Xu – Causing Wind Fine Tremor
Blurred Vision
Poor Memory
Numbness / tingling limbs
Scanty Menses
Facial Tic
Tongue: Pale, Thin
Pulse: Wiry-Fine
Nourish Liv Blood
Extinguish Wind
Extreme Heat – Generating Wind Tremor of Limbs
High Temperature
Rigidity of Neck
Tongue: Deep Red, Stiff, Dry Yellow Coating
Pulse: Wiry-Rapid
Rebellious Liver Qi – Invading the Stomach Irritability
Epigastric & Hypochondrial Distension & Pain
Sour Regurgitation
Subdue rebellious Liv qi
Tonify St
Rebellious Liver Qi – Invading the Spleen Abdominal Distension & Pain
Alternating Constipation / Diarrhoea
Pulse: Wiry
Subdue rebellious Liv qi
Tonify Sp
Liver Yin Xu with Liver Yang Rising
(also known as: Liver Yang Rising)
Pulse: Wiry
Liver Blood Xu Blurred Vision
Scanty Menses
Dull-Pale Complexion
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Choppy
Tonify Liv
Nourish Blood
Stagnation of Cold in the Liver Channel Hypogastrium pain, with pain going to Scrotum
Cold Hands & Feet
Pulse: Deep-Wiry-Slow
Clear Liv
Expel Cold
Liver Blood Stasis Dark Clotted Menses
Purple Tongue
(Severe Stabbing Pain)
Move qi
Move Blood
Damp Heat in the Liver (/Gallbladder) Fullness in Hypochondrium / Abdomen
Bitter / Sticky Taste
Feeling of Heaviness
Tongue: Sticky Yellow Coating
Pulse: Slippery
Resolve Dampness
Clear Liv
Clear Heat
Liver Fire Blazing Irritability
Red Face
Red Eyes
Tongue: Red, Redder on Sides, Yellow Coating
Clear Liv
Drain Fire
Liver Qi Stagnation Distension
Pulse: Wiry
Move qi


Lung Patterns

Lung Dryness Dry Cough
Dry Throat
Hoarse Voice
Dry Tongue
Moisten Lu
Nourish Fluids
Lung Yin Xu Dry Cough
Weak / Hoarse Voice
Dry Throat
Night Sweating
Tongue: Rootless Coating
Tonify Lung Yin
Nourish Body Fluids
Clear Empty Heat if necessary
Lung Qi Xu Shortness of Breath
Weak Voice
Pulse: Empty
Tonify Lung qi
Warm Yang
Phlegm-Fluids Obstructing the Lungs Cough with White Watery, Frothy Sputum Resolve Phlegm
Tonify Sp, Lu and Kid Yang
Phlegm Heat in the Lungs Chronic Cough
Profuse White Sticky Sputum
Tongue: Swollen with Sticky White Coating
Resolve Phlegm
Clear Heat
Stimulate descending of Lu qi
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Water Sudden Swelling of Face
Aversion to Wind
Pulse: Floating-Slippery
Release Exterior
Expel Cold
Resolve Dampness
Stimulate DD of Lu Qi
Open water passages
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat Aversion to Cold
Sore Throat
Pulse: Floating-Rapid
Release Exterior
Clear Heat
Stimulate DD of Lu qi
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold Aversion to Cold
Pulse: Floating
Release Exterior
Expel Cold
Stimulate DD of Lu qi


Yang Organs

BLRemoves water by Qi transformation Urination problems, turbid urine, frequent urination, cystitis
GBStore/ excrete Bile, decisiveness, control sinewsDigestive problems, tendency to obesity, difficulty making decisions
LIControls passage & conduction, re-absorbs fluidsBowel problems, constipation / diarrhoea
SIControls receiving & transformation, separates fluidsBorborygmi for all patterns
STControls reception, ‘ripens & rottens’, transports food essence, controls descending of Qi, Origin of fluids

Only some patterns included….

Damp Heat in BL Frequent, burning urination
Same as Damp Heat inv SP + abdominal pain and blood/mucous in stools.
Difficulty urinating
dark yellow, turbid
Blood in urine.
T: sticky, yellow @ root + red spots
P: slippery – rapid + bit wiry
Resolve Dampness
Clear Heat
Open water passage of LJ
Damp Cold in BL Frequent urination, stopping midstream, pale turbid urine, heavy hypogastrium.
T: white sticky @ root
P: slippery – slow
Resolve Dampness, expel Cold, remove obstruction in LJ
ST Qi StagDistension in epigastrium
Nausea/ vomit
P: Wiry RMP
Move ST qi
Eliminate Stag
Restore descending ST Qi
ST Fire [Phlegm-Fire]Burning epigastrium
intense thirst
like cold drinks
mental restlessness, Bleeding gums, dry stools
mouth ulcers
excessive hunger
foul breath, feel hot
T: Red in centre + dry yellow coat
P: rapid/ Overflowing [RMP]
Drain ST Fire
Stimulate descending St Qi
ST Blood StasisSevere stabbing pain
Worse at night
worse for pressure
Vomit (+blood?)
T: purple
P: Wiry
Invigorate Blood
Eliminate Stasis
Stimulate Descending of St Qi
Damp Heat in STFullness/ pain in epigastrium
facial pain (ST channel)
blocked nose
thirst without desire to drink (dampness/ yin xu)
feel hot
dull-yellow complexion
sticky taste
T: red, sticky yellow coat
P: slippery, rapid
Resolve dampness
Clear Heat
Restore descending of ST Qi
Cold invading STSudden severe pain in epigastrium
Feel cold
vomiting clear fluids (feel better for it)
T: thick white coat
P: Deep tight slow
Expel Cold
Warm ST
Stimulate descending of ST Qi
Damp-Heat in the LIAbdominal pain
Diarrhoea (with mucus/ blood)
scanty-dark urine
perhaps fever
feeling heavy, abdominal fullness (due to dampness)
Damp obstructs LI from absorbing fluid
T: red with sticky yellow coat.
P: Slippery-Rapid
Clear Heat
Resolve Dampness
Stop diarrhoea
Heat in LI (Acute)Burning /swelling in anus, dry stools, Constipation, dry tongue, dark scanty urine, burning in mouth(!)
T: thick yellow (brown) dry coating
P : Full-rapid
Clear Heat in LI/ST, Promote body fluids
Dampness in GBJaundice, distension, heaviness, nausea, turbid urine, sticky taste, dull headaches.
T: Thick sticky white coating
P: slippery – wiry
Resolve Dampness, clear GB, promote flow of Liv qi
Damp Heat in GBAs for ‘Dampness in GB’ +:
Bitter taste, tinnitus, irritability, numbness, swelling in feet, dizziness, thirst without desire to drink, fever, scanty dark urine.
T: sticky yellow coat, uni/ bilaterally
P: slippery – wiry – rapid
Resolve Dampness, clear Heat in GB, smooth flow of Liv qi
GB xu(Liv can’t be xu, however GB can be)
Dizziness, blurred vision, floaters, nervousness, timidity, indecision, sighing
T: Pale, normal
P: Weak
Tonify/ warm GB, tonify Liv qi